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Monday, August 30, 2010

How To Get Tree Sap Out Of Clothes

All of us outdoorsy types have had that moment when you get up from sitting under your favorite tree just to realize that you sat on some pitch... or tree sap as it is also known.  

Several times I have made the mistake of simply throwing the clothes in the ol' washing machine hoping that it will work miracles.   Alas... instead of a magical sap zapping machine it simply made the problem worse.
So I decided to experiment with some household products... and the first one I tried is a total winner!

For those of you who are not yet fans of the cleaning product known as "Soft Scrub"... you soon will be!

Soft Scrub... as I found out through my recent sap mishap... is not just the best tool for toilets, sinks, and glass tops stoves! 

To treat your pitchy pants or other cloth wears, simply wet the area, add a small dot of Soft Scrub and rub together lightly.  The pitch/sap will ball up in sticky wads that can simply be washed down the drain. Rinse under your kitchen or utility faucet. Repeat as needed. After you have completely removed all of the sap simply wash as usual!

As a word of caution... do not use the Soft Scrub with Bleach... and try the Soft Scrub on an inconspicuous spot of your clothing prior to treating.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lotta love for lime

Though the idea is not new... (I borrowed it from a large fast food taco restaurant to remain nameless) it is a fantastic, tasty and refreshing drink.

For lack of a better name lets call it a "Limeade Spritzer"

Go to your local grocery store to the frozen juice concentrates section and buy yourself some limeade.

To a 12 oz glass add a heaping tablespoon of frozen limeade concentrate

Add Ice to preference then fill glass with 7up or Sprite and enjoy!

Add extra limeade concentrate for an extra powerful, extra sour treat!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Well here goes nothing... my first ever blog post!

So to give credit where credit is due... this blog was my brother's idea.  He very sweetly called me up last night and said... and I am paraphrasing... " Sadie... you know how you are trying to figure out what to do with yourself?... Well... you are super creative with things like "making things out of macaroni" and you should start a blog about craft stuff and ideas for new moms!"

At first my big sister instincts told me that I owed him a wedgie for insulting my crafting intellegence... after all... aside from my own elementry school days... I have not once crafted with pasta of any sort.  But putting aside his complement turned insult I realized that he might just have something there!

So here we are.  Though this is not the most creative post... or useful in any way... it is just my first and I promise for the future I will have something more interesting than a charming tale of two siblings!

Until then.... be of good cheer until we meet again!